
Chrysanthemum /kriˈsanTHəməm/ noun a flowering plant in the daisy family that is often used ornamentally A chrysanthemum by any other name would be a lot easier to spell. – Robert C. Savage (1914 – 1987)


Apothegm /ˈapəˌTHem/ noun a pithy, compact saying, a proverb An apothegm refers to a short pithy saying or proverb, so some examples of apothegm quotes could be: ‘A stitch in time saves nine’, Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise’, The pen is mightier than the sword’, or ‘Knowledge is power’. – Anonymous


Tuatara /ˌto͞oəˈtärə/ noun a unique species of reptile native to New Zealand with spines along its back A tuatara’s average life span is about 60 years, but they can live up to 100 years. – New Zealand Department of Conservation


Universal /ˌyo͞onəˈvərs(ə)l/ adjective affecting or understood by all within a particular group That is part of the beauty of all literature…you discover that your longings are universal longings, that you’re not lonely and isolated from anyone. – F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896 – 1940)


Pajamas /pəˈjäməz/ noun loose fitting clothes that are worn to bed When I was in fourth grade, a novelist came to talk to my English class…she told us that being an author meant sitting at the kitchen table in pajamas, drinking tea with the dogs at your feet. – J. Courtney Sullivan (1981 – )


Redolent /ˈredələnt/ adjective 1. strongly reminiscent Every mile was redolent of associations, which she would not have missed for the world, but each of which made her cry upon ‘the days that are no more’ with ineffable longing. – from North and South, by Elizabeth Gaskell 2. fragrant, giving off a pleasant odor The flowers [in the garden] might have died, and the last...
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Neon /ˈnēˌän/ adjective extremely bright, fluorescent (often used to describe certain colors) Neon green is a color that demands attention…it’s bright, bold, and energizing. – Adobe noun 1. a gaseous element of the noble gas group often used in fluorescent lights and signs The largest use of neon is in making the ubiquitous ‘neon signs’ for advertising. In a vacuum discharge tube neon glows...
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Anathema /əˈnaTHəmə/ noun something or someone that one is extremely opposed to Over-thinking in your brain is anathema to the process of thinking on your feet. – Conan O’Brien (1963 – )


Iris /ˈīrəs/ noun 1. a group of flowering plants with over 300 species, typically with pointed, overlapping leaves and purple, white, yellow, pink, orange or white flowers Loss of habitat threatens many of our native irises as they occur in fragile, easily damaged habitats. – National Park Service 2. the ring-shaped membrane of the eye around the pupil, which is also the colored portion...
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Permafrost /ˈpərməˌfrôst/ noun a thick layer of underground soil that remains frozen throughout the year and which occurs mostly in the polar regions of Earth The striking quilt-like pattern of permafrost landscapes is caused by the build-up and thawing of ice in the ground, which produces pits, ponds, and landslides. – National Park Service
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