Victor Samuelson, Kiwanis Club of Haslett, Haslett, MI
This is the sixth year our club has donated dictionaries to grade school students in our community. The Dictionary Project is a great idea. Our club receives many thank you letters from the students, and the teachers and principals of the schools appreciate the dictionaries.
Kenneth Brand, Rotary Club of Hamilton-Wenham, S Hamilton, MA
I believe this is our 7th year. We love the project.
Jim Mosher, Elyria Elks Lodge # 465, Elyria, OH
This will be our 4th year of distribution. The project is great and well-received in the community.
Albert Baj, West Springfield/Agawam Elks Lodge # 2174, Longmeadow, MA
This will be our 7th year participating in the project. The students and faculty look forward to it every year.
Byron Tabor, Kiwanis Club of Hiawatha-CREW, Cedar Rapids, IA
Hi-CREW Kiwanis is in the Cedar Rapids metro area and has been giving out around 1,000 books a year since before we formed in 2008. We really believe in this program.
Barbara Conner, Temecula Valley Elks Lodge # 2801, Temecula, CA
This makes our 6th year of participation. Each year we are able to distribute more dictionaries. This is a great project. We, those who deliver to the schools, have such a good feeling about the project. It is wonderful to see how delighted the students are to receive their own dictionary.
Laura Landis, New London Grange # 2401, Nova, OH
We have been giving dictionaries to third graders in New London Schools for several years, maybe 6 or 7. The kids and teachers love them. The books are a great value. They contain not only definitions but a lot of other very good information for students.
David Wimmer, Rotary Club of Oregon City, Oregon City, OR
We think this is a FANTASTIC project and the students really seem to enjoy it and are VERY appreciative. Besides the heartfelt “Thank You”s we receive when presenting the books, we usually receive many cute and thoughtful “Thank You” letters from students and teachers.
John Howell, Rotary Club of East Portland, Vancouver, WA
We have been participating for about 5 or 6 years. We are excited to participate in this every year. It is one of the most rewarding youth programs that we participate in.
Jeff Roadcap, Linville-Edom Ruritan Club, Broadway, VA
We think this is a very worthwhile program and always enjoy seeing the kids’ faces light up when we tell them the books are theirs to keep and they can write their names in them. They get so excited.