Michael Mears, Eureka Lions Club, Eureka, NV

We have been distributing dictionaries to our 3rd grade students at two schools for several years now. The students really enjoy the dictionaries, and we have always provided the encyclopedic version. We work with our 3rd grade teachers to conduct an essay contest allowing the students to use their new dictionaries. We are proud to be a partner with the Dictionary Project.

Lynda Breeden, Putnam County Adult Literacy Council, Cookeville, TN

The primary focus of our organization is the human services of literacy, GED, and skillbuilding. By improving the participants’ education, they are more employable and are often better able to take care of personal, family, and civic responsibilities. Helping to break the cycle of under-education and under-employment directly impacts the health and welfare of our children and the quality of life in our community.