Roger, Galesburg Elks Lodge # 894, Nielson Elementary School, Galesburg, IL
Dear Elks Club, Thank you for the dictionary. I love the dictionary. I found a lot of words. When my friends needs help I help them. Thank you for the dictionary. I’m so happy. Sincerely, Roger
Destiney, Galesburg Elks Lodge # 894, Nielson Elementary School, Galesburg, IL
Dear Elks Club, I love my Dictionary. I use it a lot at houm. I found a lot of words that I did not know. My mom uses it to do her home work. She likes it too! Thanks again for the dictionaries. Sincerely, Destiney
Trent, Galesburg Elks Lodge # 894, Nielson Elementary School, Galesburg, IL
Dear Elkes Club, Thank you for the dictionaries. I know I will always use my dictionarie. I really appreciate it I really like it. I will let my cousins look up words they don’t know. I will bring it every where I go. Sincerely, Trent
Miss Lacey Mathews, Galesburg Elks Lodge # 894, Gale School, Galesburg, IL
Dear Elks Lodge members, My students and I greatly appreciate the dictionaries you donated to our third grade class at Gale Elementary School. As a teacher I love getting free things for our classroom that I might not have been able to purchase otherwise. The students love the idea of the dictionaries belonging to them and not to the school. They take great ownership... Read More
Austin, California Dictionary Project, Hidden Valley Elementary School, Martinez, CA
Dear Dictionary Project Member, Thank You so much for the very cool dictionary. I really appreciate receiving this dictionary. Your gift will help me in school and it will fit in my backpack. It will be helpful in many ways. I will help me to do my language arts homework, multiplication, and spelling and vocabulary. I also like the other cool things in the... Read More
Mary Lazarus, California Dictionary Project, Hidden Valley Elementary School, Martinez, CA
Dear California Dictionary Project, My 3rd grade students and I would like to thank you very much for the wonderful gift of dictionaries you provided to our class & school. It is such a worthwhile & generous program to help further the educational needs of elementary aged children. And, the fact that the kids absolutely LOVE their new dictionaries is a win-win for us... Read More
Lynda Breeden, Putnam County Adult Literacy Council, Cookeville, TN
The primary focus of our organization is the human services of literacy, GED, and skillbuilding. By improving the participants’ education, they are more employable and are often better able to take care of personal, family, and civic responsibilities. Helping to break the cycle of under-education and under-employment directly impacts the health and welfare of our children and the quality of life in our community.
Summer, Lancaster Elks Lodge, Lancaster, CA
Dear Mr. Pompey, Thank you so much for the wonderful dictionary you have given me. My favorite part I like in the dictionary is sign language. I like the sign language because it can help me talk to people who can not hear and its good for language arts. I learned how to spell my name in sign language. I would love to teach... Read More
Miranda, Santiam Valley Grange # 828, Mari-Linn Elementary School, Lyons, OR
Dear Ms. Maas and Grange, Thank you for the dictionaries! I love them! They help a lot. They have lots of words in them. They are fun to read. Love, Miranda
Judith Wilson, Clinton Elks Lodge # 1306, Clinton, MA
This is always a fun task; the children are soooo excited to see us.