Cheryl Peterson, Carver Lions Club, Carver, MN
This is our 4th year in the program. The 3rd graders are always waiting for the presentation, as they have heard how much fun last year’s students had with the presentation. It is always a contest to see who can find the new word first or a fact about a former president. The trick is to make learning fun.
Robert Branaman, Medora Community Lions Club, Medora, IN
This will be our third year for the program. Our local club is only 3 years old, so we have been doing this project since we were organized. Great project for both the students and the club.
Venita Ruhnke, Hiawatha Elks Lodge # 1741, Hiawatha, KS
This will be the third year we have done the dictionary program and are happy to be expanding the schools we will be giving the dictionaries to.
Steve Wilburn, Madill Lions Club, Madill, OK
One Madill teacher asked us to buy a dictionary to give to each 4th grade pupil to take home and call their own. We enjoyed doing it and have now expanded the idea to the only other school/town in the county at the 4th grade level. We also will give a copy to all the 5th grade ESL students in Madill to take home... Read More
Pam Lauritsen, American Legion Auxiliary # 172, Edgemont Elementary, Edgemont, SD
Dear Ladies Auxiliary: Thank you so much for the dictionaries the third grade received this year. They are a very useful tool in the classroom and at home. The students have been using them to look up vocabulary words in reading, science, and social studies. They have been learning about guide words, syllables, and pronunciation in spelling/ phonics. We will be doing a unit... Read More
Kenna, American Legion Auxiliary # 172, Edgemont Elementary, Edgemont, SD
Dear Ladies Auxiliary, Thank you for serving in the Ladies Auxiliary! Also thank you for giving us dictionaries! We really use them! Thank you! Sincerely, Kenna
Zoie, Rotary Club of Central Vermont
Dear Rotary Club, I love my new dictionary! I looked up in the dictionary and found a word I didn’t know. The word is premonition at first it was hard to say but then I looked to the place where it tells you how to pronounce the word. I just looked up the word pronounce to write it in that sentence. Thanks again for... Read More
Matthew, Rotary Club of Central Vermont
Dear Rotary Club, It was so nice that you gave us a dictionary. I am going to try to beat my uncle in scrabble. I am going to learn some new words in the book. Sincerely, Matthew
Charles Justmann, Rotary Club of Waupaca Breakfast, Waupaca, WI
Thank you for everything. This program has turned out to be an extremely popular project for the Waupaca Rotary Club.
Bryon Harrington, Rotary Club of Springerville, Springerville, AZ
We have been donating the dictionaries to all of the 3rd grade students in the local and surrounding schools as far as 130 miles away since 2001. That first year, we gave a dictionary to every child from 3rd to 8th grade, so no-one was left out. We believe this program is one of the best, most productive projects we do each year.