Justin, Spartanburg, SC
Dear Project Sponsor, Thank you for buying me a dictionary. I will take this dictionary to fourth grade for words to spell. And now I can help my mom with bad spelling. My dad can finally stop bugging me about my bad spelling. Thank you again for the dictionary. Sincerely, Justin
Charlie, Westview Elementary School, Monroe, SC
Dear Ms. French I am writing to thank you for the dictionary. I will use the dictionary when I am on the computer. I will use it to help me with spelling. Also I will use it if I don’t know what a word means. I like the dictionary. Your friend, Charlie
Emily, Westview Elementary School, Monroe, SC
Dear Ms. French, I am writing to thank you for the dictionary. I was really in need of it. My dad is always quizzing me on gigantic words. I also read a lot and don’t always know what some words mean. This month I have to do a report on the computer and I might have to use it then. I think that it... Read More
Alexis, Westview Elementary School, Moore, SC
Dear Sirs and Madams I’m enjoying my dictionary very very much! I read a lot of older and harder books, so now I don’t have to guess the words I don’t know, because I have a dictionary. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! I love my dictionary. Sincerely, Alexis
Aaliyah, Moore, SC
Dear Dictionary Project Foundation, I love the dictionary. Now I know what many words mean. Some I didn’t know before. I love the fresh air it gives you when I’m flipping pages. Thank you very very very much. Sincerely Aaliyah
Ryan, Tooele Valley, UT
Dear Tooele Valley Rotary Club. Thanks for the dictionary, Rotary. We use it for homework, and other work. Like proving my mom and dad wrong. My brother is doing a report, but he did not use it. Sincerely, Ryan
Emerald, Tooele Valley, UT
Dear Tooele Valley Rotary Club, Thank you for the dictionary I really like to read it when I’m in the car, and I read it every time I get a chance. It’s pretty cool. I’m on page 139 it’s in a Gs. Your friend, Emerald
Kristen, Westview Elementary School, Moore, SC
Dear Mrs. French, Thank you for the dictionary! Since you gave me this dictionary I can look up words that I don’t know how to spell. Now I don’t have to get up during class to ask the teacher how to spell a word. Thank you for the dictionary very much! I really love it! Every day I will use it when I need... Read More
Melloney, Westview Elementary School, Monroe, SC
Dear Ms. French, Thank you very much for the dictionary. It is very helpful because I don’t always have to get up and disturb the class. I can use it when I don’t know a word or don’t know how to spell it. Sincerely, Melloney
Mitch, Westview Elementary School, Monroe, SC
Dear Ms. French, I am writing to thank you for the dictionary. I can use it if I can’t read or pronounce a word. I can use it if I can’t spell a word, I can also find a definition to a word. I love the dictionary, it is cool, thank you. Your friend, Mitch