
Dear Ms. French, thank you for the dicitonary. I will use it whenever I am stumped with how to spell a word or to learn the definition of a word. I’ll also use it when my teacher describes me with a word that I don’t know the definition of. All in all I think the dictionary will help me with many things.

Aaron, Mayo Elementary

Dear Dictionary Project, I’m writing to thank you for the dictionary. I use it in class when I do not know what a word means and to look up some definitions. I am so happy that you gave me a dictionary. Oh yeah and I looked up a definition today and thank you for being so generous to give me a really good dictionary....
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Dear Dictionary Project, I am writing to you for the dictionary. I would like to thank you for giving me this dictionary. It really helps me to do my work. It will also help me as I get older. I look up a lot of stuff in it. As a matter of fact I looked in it the other day. I use it more...
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Eleni, Webster, NY

Dear Mr. Wilink, Thank you so much for the wonderful dictionary. I enjoy it a lot and I showed it to my family, and they loved it! It was very nice and thoughtful of you and the Rotary Club to give me the dictionary. I actually really use it a lot! I will always keep it, and never lose it, and I will always...
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Ms. Sheryl Rebberg, Thank you for donating the dictionaries for us to use. I really love having a dictionary this year because I have to look some words up. I love not having to hurt my brain thinking so much. I now merely have to look up in a dictionary. Thank you,