Victoria, Summerville, SC

Dear Mrs. French, The dictionary is the best book that I got this year! The dictionary is helpful to me for spelling. If I need help with a word that I can?t read, I can look it up in my dictionary. The dictionary helps me by knowing what a word means if I don?t get it sometimes. The dictionary is the best book that...
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Maggie, Clover, SC

Dear Mrs. French, Thank you for the dictionary. I love it so much. I have an old dictionary at home but the pages are falling out. I have always wanted to know the meanings of big words. I hoped I would have a dictionary and thanks to you I got my wish. Your friend, Maggie


Dear Ms. French, Thanks for the dictionary. I will use it all summer long but I have to leave it at school for now. I will love looking up some cool words in it. I know that I have a long way to go in the world and I will use it to help me learn more words. When I looked in mama’s dictionary...
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Dear Ms. French, Thank you for the dictionary. It is really going to help me next year if we don’t have the word in our reading book. I am really excited to learn new words. It is also going to help me if I wonder what a word is. Sincerely, James