Nancy Olechnowicz, Rotary Club of Delhi, Delhi, NY
We’ve been distributing dictionaries to the third graders in our district for several years. This is our second year distributing the thesaurus to the fifth graders. Our Rotary Club is excited to participate in this project. We feel it is an excellent program!
David Wilson, Rotary Club of Rice Lake, Rice Lake, WI
The 3rd grade students who receive these dictionaries are very excited to receive and learn how to use them!! It’s fun!
Gary Fouraker, Kiwanis Club of Fremont, Fremont, NE
This is the fourth year that Kiwanis has sponsored this project. The joy on the faces of the children when we hand them their very own dictionary is beyond description. We know that for many of them this is the only book they have in their home that is their own. Fantastic program. Wish the national media would report and support this project.
Mary Minnich, Saranac Lake Elks Lodge # 1508, Vermontville, NY
This is the second year that Saranac Lake Elks #1508 have provided dictionaries for the foreign language program at the Saranac Lake Middle School. We think the Dictionary Project is a wonderful thing and has a great purpose and goals.
Jacob, The Dictionary Project, Larne Elementary School, Clover, SC
Dear Ms. French. Thank you for the dictionary because I am going to use it thru my grades. It is going to be a very helpful thing to me. This dictionary will help me get smarter. I am going to use this dictionary all the time. This dictionary is going to be helpful to us. This is going to be a daily thing that... Read More
Alissa, The Dictionary Project, Larne Elementary School, Clover, SC
Dear Mrs. Mary French, Thank you for my dictionary. My brother will ask me a word after school, and I look in my dictionary. He laughs and says you look smart. Sincerely, Alissa
Anna, The Dictionary Project, Blythe Academy, Greenville, SC
Dear Mrs. Huey, I love the student dictionarys. You were so generous. I’ve read my dictionary a thousand times! My brothers are so jealous! I’ve used it for my homework. The dictionary makes my English homework easier! I even use it at home. I use it for projects, reading for fun, and mathematical homework problems. Thank you so much! Sincerely, Anna
Olivia, The Dictionary Project, Blythe Academy, Greenville, SC
Dear Mrs. Huey, thank you so very much for the student dictionary. What I think is very interesting is that kid can mean a child or it can mean: a young goat. I also think that the longest word in english language. I was going to buy one myself but, before I could I got one from you. I love it to because it... Read More
Sharon Hersemann, Rotary Club of Nebraska City, Nebraska City, NE
This is a great project, and you make it easy. We love donating these dictionaries!
Kwaheem, The Dictionary Project, Denmark-Olar Elementary School, Denmark, SC
Dear Dictionary Project, Thank you for giving me a dictionary. I am going to study my words. I am going to read my dictionary every day. I love my dictionary. Sincerely, Kwaheem