Tiffany, Rotary Club of Greater Anderson, SC
Dear Mr. Darby, Thank you for the dictionary! It will really make me smarter. I enjoy it because I found alot of big words! Alot of them I don’t even know! from, Tiffany
Maddison, Rotary Club of Greater Anderson, SC
Dear Mr. Darby and the Rotary Club, Thank you for my Dictionary. I think very nice to use your money to buy all thiese Dictionarys for us. I will use my Dictionary all my life. It is very cool to look up words. I love my dictionary. We really will use thiese. From, Maddison
Kailey, Rotary Club of Greater Anderson, SC
Dear Rotary Club, I want to thank you for the dictionary. I like them alot. Thay mean alot to me. All of us love the dictionary. I will never trade nothing for the dictionary. They mean alot to me. I love this book. I will never spill a drop on it. Your friend, Kailey
Heather, Rotary Club of Greater Anderson, SC
Dear Rotory Club, Thank you for the dictionary. I would use the dictionary to look up words. I will use the dictionary when I need to use it. I might need to use the dictionary every day. I will look up words I don’t know. I like the dictionary. Sincerley, Heather
Jan Morrow, Rotary Club of Barstow, Barstow, CA
2011 marks our 8th year in partnership with the Dictionary Project to provide a dictionary to every 3rd grade student in eight elementary schools in Barstow Unified School District and three elementary schools in Silver Valley Unified School District. The Rotary Club of Barstow is committed in working to improving literacy in our community and these dictionaries make that possible. Thanks to you and... Read More
Ralph Colfer, Augusta Elks Lodge # 964, Augusta, ME
We are in our 5th year of this project and the purpose of the project is to provide each student with a dictionary that can be used at school and at home to help them with their daily work and improve their English, spelling, writing and vocabulary skills and hopefully help to reduce the high rate of illiteracy reported in these schools and affiliated... Read More
James, Springfield Elks Lodge # 51, Kenwood Elementary School, Springfield, OH
Dear Mr. Schilling and Elks Lodge, Thank you for the dictionary! I think you are very nice. I like the book because it has a lot of words I could not even write. Words like dice and Tennessee. I always wanted a dictionary and now I finally have one. Now, I can look up words wherever I go. It helps me pronounce words, too.... Read More
Mckenzie, Springfield Elks Lodge # 51, Kenwood Elementary School, Springfield, OH
Dear Mr. Schilling and Elks Lodge, Thank you the dictionary. I wrote the date so when I look in my dictionary in twenty years from now I’ll know I got this dictionary on December 1, 2010. I like this dictionary because it has lots of words, sign language, and it has information about the presidents all the way up to Barack Obama. So, thank... Read More
Patricia Henninger, Prairie Grange # 1832, Garden Prairie, IL
We love this project and so do our students and teachers.
Julie Trost, Black Hawk County Republican Women, Waterloo, IA
RWBHC has participated in this project for the last five or six years. RWBHC will continue this project because it is a great learning tool for 3rd graders. You can tell how excited they are when each student receives his/her own to use at home and school.