Tom Heanue, Rotary Club of Hattiesburg-Sunrise, Moselle, MS
We have done this for many years and love it.
Carole Wolfe, Williams County Retired Teachers Assoc., Bryan, OH
We love the dictionary project.
Michael, Rotary Club of Mountainside, Deerfield Elementary School, Mountainside, NJ
Dear Mr. Mortimer and Members of the Mountainside Rotary Club, Thank you for the thesaurus! I have been using it every day in my writing. One time I looked up the word "great" and I got "spectacular." My writing has gotten a lot better. Every day I bring it to and from school, so I always get super words. Thank you for the thesaurus... Read More
Lola Rickey, Diamond Lake Grange # 506, Newport, WA
Our 3rd grade teachers really appreciate the dictionaries.
Students and staff of Fremont Elementary School, Eastwood Rotary Club, Fremont Elementary School, East Syracuse, NY
Dear Major Dave & the Eastwood Rotary Club Members, We would like to thank you for coming to Fremont and your gift of dictionaries. We were so excited to receive them and we know that we will put them to good use for many years to come! In fact, our teachers told us we should be able to use them right through middle school... Read More
Minoa Elementary PTO officers & members, Eastwood Rotary Club, Minoa Elementary School, Minoa, NY
Dear Rotary Club of Eastwood, On behalf of Minoa Elementary 3rd grade students & teachers as well as its PTO members, we send our sincere thank-you. The "dictionary project" is an outstanding opportunity you give our students. Without your thoughtful generosity many students would be without this wonderful resource. Thank you. Minoa PTO officers & members
Avery, New Carlisle Lions Club, Olive Township Elementary School, New Carlisle, IN
Dear Lions Club, Thank you for the dictionaries. When my brother grows up and my sister I will teach them how to use a dictionary in school. I have never had my own dictionary before. I have never used a dictionary in my life. Thank You, Avery
Gage, New Carlisle Lions Club, Olive Township Elementary School, New Carlisle, IN
Dear Lions Club, Thanks for the dictionary. It was so nice of you to give all of us 3rd graders a dictionary. You guys are very nice. When I grow up I am going to be helpful. Thank you, Gage
Kelseigh, New Carlisle Lions Club, Olive Township Elementary School, New Carlisle, IN
Dear Lions Club, Thank you so much for the dictionary! I use it a lot for vocabulary. Plus I use it for home work! I learned a lot of cool things in it. I showed my family and told them you gave it to me! So they said "very cool"! So I will use it in 10th and 9th grade. Thank You, Kelseigh
Stephanie McKinley-Miller, Rotary Club of Bushnell, Avon, IL
Our Rotary Club along with the Interact Clubs of the Avon and Bushnell-Prairie City School District donate dictionaries yearly to the 3rd graders in both school ditricts. The students are always were excited about receiving the dictionaries and their teachers are most appreciative of our efforts.