Rotary Club of Manchester, Manchester, TN
We have been doing this project for 8-9 years and feel it is one of the most rewarding and “feel good” projects we do.
Bonnie Smith, Reedley Elks Lodge # 2699, Reedley, CA
Our lodge has been doing the dictionary project for the past 7 years. Our lodge highly supports this project.
Susan Barrett, Rotary Club, Portland, OR
I just wanted to say thank you for the dictionary my 3rd grader received. She kept telling me about all the cool facts it had in it, and about the longest word! It looks like hers was paid for by the Rotary Club in Portland. Great idea – good luck to you all. Thanks, Susan Barrett Portland, OR
Cade, The Dictionary Project, Field Club Elementary School, Omaha, NE
Dear Mr. Hutchinson, Thank you so much for giving me my first dictionary! Mrs. Hines is always having us do something that involves writing like writing to a prompt good thing I have my own dictionary. your smart friend Cade
Lesley, The Dictionary Project, Field Club Elementary School, Omaha, NE
Dear Mr. Hutchinson, Thank you for the dictionary. I need it, because Mrs. Hines makes us write a lot! I can tell you that. Thank you so much for giving me my first dictionary! Sincerely your smartest student Lesley!
Omar, Field Club Elementary School, Omaha, NE
Thank you for donating dictionaries to the students in my 3rd grade class. I can now give my mom a birthday card. Because now I can write words that I didn’t know how to spell. Again thank you for the dichionaries. Our class really appreciates it. Sincerely, Omar
Zoe, Field Club Elementary School, Omaha, NE
Thank you for donating dictionaries to the students in my 3rd grade class. I can’t wait ’til 4th grade because I’m going to use this for my writing assiment. I love it all ready! Again, thank you for the dictionaries. Our class appreciates it. Sincerely, Zoe
Jose, Field Club Elementary School, Omaha, NE
Thank you for donating dictionaries to the students in my 3rd grade class. I will find words that are diffrent and find words that my parents need to read. Again thank you for the dictionaries. Our class really appreciates it. Sincely Jose
Crystal, Field Club Elementary School, Omaha, NE
Thank you for donating dictionary to the students in my 3rd grade class. I will find words when I am stuck in a word and under line the words that I do not know. Again, thank you for the dictionaries. Our class really appreciates it. Sincerely, Crystal
Audra & Jaden, Rotary Club of Kissimmee, Kissimmee, FL
Dear Rodery Club, Thank you for thoughs wonderful dictionarys. We use them every day at school and at home. You are the best ever! Sincerly, Audra & Jaden