Kiwanians bring excitement to Pensacola schools
Big Lagoon Kiwanians recently participated in the Dictionary Project during their visits to the Blue Angels, Hellen Caro, and Pleasant Grove Elementary Schools.
Republican Women present dictionaries with games and challenges
Since 2008, the Montgomery County Republican Women have been distributing dictionaries to students in Conroe Independent School District.
Sioux City Elks Lodge delivers dictionaries to area students
A local group is helping area students improve their spelling skills.
For the 6th year, the Sioux City Elks are delivering over 1,600 dictionaries to 3rd graders.
DK students receive dictionaries
Continuing a tradition, the Delton Area Rotary Club recently gave dictionaries to all third-grade students in the Delton Kellogg school district.
How “Honour” was lost & “Ain’t” gained ground …in the Dictionary Wars
Joe Mc Kay’s “Crazy About Words”
...toasting our language since 2003!
Kiwanis Club of Charlotte completes 6th dictionary project
On October 27 the Kiwanis Club of Charlotte did a club workday. Instead of the usual meeting on that Thursday, thirty members of the club, 3 members of the S.A.L.T.
The Dictionary Project and Putnam Literacy Council
Successful literacy programs are often well-kept secrets that are discovered by word of mouth.
Barrow County Schools’ dictionary project
October 31- November 4 was Dictionary Week for all Barrow County Schools' third graders.
Third graders in Vestal School District to receive dictionaries from Vestal Elks
Continuing an annual tradition, representatives from Vestal Elks Lodge # 2508 will be visiting each elementary school in the Vestal School District to distribute free dictionaries on November 21, 2