Ruritans visit Zeb Vance Elementary School
On October 27th, the Zeb Vance Ruritan Club presented 96 student dictionaries to the third graders at Zeb Vance Elementary School, located in Vance County near Henderson, NC.
Thank you, Rotary Club!
This October 24 Rotarians from the Northlake-Mandeville Rotary Club (Mandeville, Louisiana) distributed 1,296 dictionaries at the following 10 public, private and parochial elementary schools:
North Pocono Rotary completes 7th dictionary project
North Pocono Rotary is proud to distribute dictionaries for the 7th year to the North Pocono School District. Moscow Elementary received 170 books, and Jefferson Elementary will receive 80.
Rotary Club preps dictionaries for local schools
The Rotary Club of West Anne Arundel County will deliver more than 1,200 dictionaries to students at local elementary schools next month, as part of its support of literacy programs.
Giving the gift of words
Fairgrove Elementary third grader Luis opened his crisp, new English dictionary to a random page Thursday and started reading.
Moses Lake students receive dictionaries
Third-grade students throughout the Moses Lake School District received dictionaries to call their own.
Thank you, Pioneers! Happy 100th birthday!
When the Telephone Pioneers were established one hundred years ago, in 1911, their purpose was mostly fellowship, and Alexander Graham Bell was a member.
Kiwanis Club of Oxford dictionary project
The Kiwanis Club of Oxford passed out over 240 dictionaries supplied by the Dictionary Project of Charleston, SC, to students at Lafayette Upper Elementary School in Oxford, MS.
Altrusa of Lexington begins dictionary project
Altrusa International of Lexington, KY, held its first Dictionary Project for the 2011-2012 school year on September 8, 2011, International Literacy Day, with the third-grade class
Third graders receive dictionaries from Norwich Rotary
Diane received a gift Wednesday morning, equipping her with just the words she needs to teach her family English.