Brian Hartwell, Kiwanis Club of Madison Heights, Madison Heights, MI

Separately visit eight schools. Plan a small assembly at each school to hand out books by 5-10 volunteers from Kiwanis Club of Madison Heights. The middle and high school presentations include foreign-born students, many refugees, enrolled in the English as a Second Language program.. Separately visit eight schools. Plan a small assembly at each school to hand out books by 5-10 volunteers from Kiwanis Club of Madison Heights. The middle and high school presentations include foreign-born students, many refugees, enrolled in the English as a Second Language program.. Separately visit eight schools. Plan a small assembly at each school to hand out books by 5-10 volunteers from Kiwanis Club of Madison Heights. The middle and high school presentations include foreign-born students, many refugees, enrolled in the English as a Second Language program..

Brian Hartwell, Kiwanis Club of Madison Heights, Madison Heights, MI

We first donate about 60% of the books to all local third graders across two public districts (12 classes). We donate the remaining 40% to middle school and high school students that study English as a second language. Many of these older students are refugees from the Middle East. A thankful student from Iraq commented that our dictionary is the first book he ever owned.