Dana Gordon, Rotary Club of West Hartford, West Hartford, CT
The West Hartford Rotary Club loves doing the dictionary project. It is amazing to see how excited 3rd graders get over receiving their own dictionary. Kids will come up to the Rotary Booth at various charitable endeavors and say, “Hey you are the guys who gave me a dictionary.” We will continue to fund and execute this project as long as your organization exists. Thanks for all you do.
Dana Gordon, Rotary Club of West Hartford, West Hartford, CT
This is the 6th annual dictionary project for the West Hartford Rotary Club. We will have given out over 4,800 dictionaries when we finish this year’s project. West Hartford is the birthplace of Noah Webster, so we use this local tie-in to enhance our project. Chris Dobbs, the executive director of the Noah Webster House, dresses up as Noah Webster and attends all of the projects adding some historical color to the program. Dana Gordon, West Hartford Rotary Dictionary Project Chairman, also dresses in 18th century clothes and explains what Rotary is and what it does and explains the mission of the dictionary project. We provide a fun and memorable assembly for all students receiving a dictionary.