Ellen L Dabbs, Rotary Club of Rankin County, Brandon, MS
The Rotary Club of Jackson has been providing dictionaries for several years to one school in the Rankin County School District. This year the club decided to choose three schools from our school district to provide dictionaries to those third graders. Age-appropriate activities are chosen to help club members and students interact using the new dictionaries. Education of our young people is valued highly by the Rotary Club. Our county wishes to encourage our young people and young adults to be successful in life. The project coordinator, Ellen L Dabbs, values education and the importance of the community helping our students be successful not only in school but also in life. This is a small way that our community of Rankin County can help our students.
Ellen L Dabbs, Rotary Club of Rankin County, Brandon, MS
The Rotary Club of Rankin County feels that the Dictionary Project is one of the best service projects that we do each year. We have been participating for the past 3 years and always look forward to this community involvement with our children.