Nancy Olechnowicz, Rotary Club of Delhi, Delhi, NY
We have been participating for at least 5 years and plan to continue in the future.. We think the Dictionary Project is great! It’s so rewarding to see the smiles and read the thank you letters from the children..
Nancy Olechnowicz, Rotary Club of Delhi, Delhi, NY
We’ve been distributing dictionaries to the third graders in our district for several years. This is our second year distributing the thesaurus to the fifth graders. Our Rotary Club is excited to participate in this project. We feel it is an excellent program!
Nancy Olechnowicz, Rotary Club of Delhi, Delhi, NY
Our Delhi Rotary Club has been participating in this project for about 5 years. As a teacher in the Delhi School District, I can tell you that the 3rd graders now look forward to receiving their dictionaries. I make labels to place in the dictionary that tell that our Rotary Club sponsored the project. This is a wonderful project. It gets kids excited about words and literacy.
Nancy Olechnowicz, Rotary Club of Delhi, Delhi, NY
Our Rotary Club has participated in the Dictionary Project for the past few years. It is well-received in our school. We think this is a wonderful project. I am a second grade teacher and I tell my class about the dictionary they will be receiving in third grade!