Sandy Garner, Kiwanis Club of Charlotte, Sedgefield Elementary School, Charlotte, NC
The third graders at Sedgefield are extremely grateful for the generous gift from your Kiwanis Club. You would have been so pleased to have seen the smiles when each student was given a dictionary and told that it was theirs to keep and even take home at the end of the year. Many carried them around for several days and looked up any word they did not know. At this grade level, and moving forward, increasing students’ vocabulary is extremely important and in this Title I school, it is essential.
We try to instill in them a love not only for reading, but for our English language, and the knowledge and power of words. The immediate "thrill" may subside, but they will find a use for that dictionary well into the future. It began with your gift and for that we thank you.
Ms. Sandy Garner
Third Grade Teacher
Sedgefield Elementary, a CMS school
Charlotte, NC