Sue Church, Kiwanis Club of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, MI

We have been participating for at least seven years. We feel this project is extremely worthwhile and the students love it, awaiting the dictionaries’ arrival with anticipation.

Sue Church, Kiwanis Club of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, MI

We have been doing this for seven years, adding Ezra Eby School, where it was not being done, three years ago. It is so well received that the children expect and await our arrival when they reach the 3rd grade.

Sue Church, Kiwanis Club of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, MI

We have been participants in the project for the past 5 years. Each year we meet with the third graders at each school, telling them about the dictionaries, our project and how to have fun using the dictionary. The arrival of the dictionaries is awaited by the new third graders since we have been distributing them for several years. It is a very worthwhile project and one we especially like doing.