Verne Tuininga, Rotary Club of Fairfax, Fairfax, VA
Our Club is in its fourth year of providing dictionaries to all the 3rd graders in seven schools. These seven schools represent “feeder schools” of students who will typically be attending Fairfax High School in their freshman year. In addition, when the first set of 3rd graders reach the 8th grade level (9/2011), those students will be receiving the upgrade dictionary from our Rotary Club. This also will continue into the foreseeable future. Our Rotary Club budgets for this important literacy program each year out of our Rotary Educational Foundation. The school principals, staff members, educators, students and families are extremely appreciative and thankful for the program. In addition, our Rotary members truly enjoy seeing the happy faces on these wonderful students when they individually are handed their own dictionaries with space on the inside jacket for their names with our club’s Rotary seal and date of donation. Thanks to all the members of the Rotary Club Of Fairfax who contribute their time, and financial support to our Rotary Educational Foundation fundraising activities to support our many programs such as this one.