Angie Schmidt, Kiwanis Club of South Bend, South Bend, IN
We have been providing dictionaries to third-graders in the South Bend Community since 2005. Our members are thrilled to have such a direct impact on learning and literacy in our community. We have made a commitment to distribute dictionaries every year, and with the help of the Fern and Elmer Graber Kiwanis Fund for Children, our commitment will be realized. We love the Dictionary Project, and have recommended to several other clubs that they sponsor schools or districts in their respective geographic areas. The Fern and Elmer Graber Kiwanis Fund for Children is an endowed gift initiated by Elmer Graber, a member of the South Bend Kiwanis Club. The endowment has grown through the generosity of several members of our club, and will provide funding for the Dictionary Project far into the future.