Bro. Charles Griffith, 5th District, Omega Psi Phi – KY/TN

The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., cardinal principles are: Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance and Uplift. By donating these dictionaries, we are exercising our Manhood by being responsible men and caring citizens, our Scholarship by assisting young students to increase their vocabularies, in doing so we are also Lifting a portion of our future to higher heights and Persevering at the same time by ensuring this project has continued for two years and will continue in the future. The Dictionary Project has afforded us another opportunity to give back to our communities. Keep up the good work! On behalf of our 20th District Representative, Bro. Edward Morant, Officers, and the members of the 43 chapters that make up the Legendary 5th District, we thank you for this opportunity to be of service.