Holly Healey, Twin Cities Rotary Club, Ouachita, Monroe, LA

Dear Dictionary Project, The Rotary Club of the Twin Cities (Ouachita), Monroe, LA, has been providing dictionaries to third grade students in Monroe, LA for four years now. This program has made it possible for us to be able to present dictionaries to the Students and we are as grateful as the 3rd graders that receive these wonderful dictionaries. The teachers are also very appreciative. We are a small club, we try to do a little more each year. We hope we can start a new program in the future to supply other reading material for other grades to help promote literacy. We look forward to 2015 when we will again be distributing dictionaries to a new group of 3rd grade students and their teachers. I have enclosed a few pictures of our time presenting the dictionaries to the children. Yours in Rotary Service, Holly A. Healey