Johnny Hilliard, Albuquerque Elks Lodge # 461, Albuquerque, NM

The Dictionary Project is a way for each organization or person to have an impact on a child’s life. I have found that it affects a lot more than just the students, for I have received letters from parents thanking me for the donations. I would just hope that many more people get involved. This year especially, I have been told that the students do not have dictionaries and that the classrooms rarely have any, and the saddest part is that the Libraries only had anywhere from 5 – 10 for the whole school. For the most part the reception has been well received from each school but each year I have to convince the schools that we are providing the students with a gift. This day and age no one wants to believe that there are people out there that actually want to give things without wanting something in return. This is a great program that I have been involved with in our own Lodge for the past six years and continue for many more. The enjoyment I receive from each of the students’ faces by simply providing them with a dictionary is priceless.