Stephen McClaskey, Rotary Club of Onancock, Accomac, VA
It gives us a chance to promote education in our community and hopefully inspire service by the children. The books are a big hit and the appendix information is great.
Ben Davis Lions Club, Ben Davis Lions Club, Indianapolis, IN
This is our second year. It was such a joy last year, we are adding another school.
Shirley Baker, Orangevale Grange # 354, Orangevale, CA
This will be the ninth year the Orangevale Grange will be donating dictionaries to the schools in our community.. We love the project and the children are so happy when they recieve their dictionary. It is such a treat to see the joy on their face when we hand them their own dictionary..
Jeiry, South Carolina Dictionary Project, Fairforest Elementary School, Spartanburg, SC
Dear friends of our school, thank you for the dictionaries! The dictionaries are really helpful for me to understand words. I also like the dictionaries because it can help us do our homework. It is also helpful because it can help us write an essay and not misspell a word. Once again thank you for the dictionaries. Sincerely, Jeiry
Evelyn, South Carolina Dictionary Project, Fairforest Elementary School, Spartanburg, SC
Dear friends of our school, thank you for the dictionaries! I enjoyed them a lot! Now that I have one I could look up what a word means! I could also do my homework on what a word on my list means!! I like knowing what something means because I feel smart. Sincerely, Evelyn
Abigail, South Carolina Dictionary Project, Fairforest Elementary School, Spartanburg, SC
Dear friends of the school, thank you for the dictionaries! They are very nice. I love the bold words. Now I can use them for homework. We really appreciate it. It helps a lot. Now my teacher doesn’t have to check my spelling on a paper. Now we can have knowledge. We are thankful every year for your donation. It really helps. I can... Read More
Diyjoh, South Carolina Dictionary Project, Wood Heights Elementary, Spartanburg, SC
Dear Dictionary Project Sponsor, Thank you for sponsoring the Dictionary Project. It helps third graders in school. We used them for our PASS writing test. I didn’t have a dictionary at home, but now I do. The dictionary helps me do well in school. When I am reading a book and I don’t know what a word means, I can just look it up... Read More
CJ, South Carolina Dictionary Project, Wood Heights Elementary, Spartanburg, SC
Dear Dictionary Project Sponsor, Thank you for sponsoring the Dictionary Project. You people are awesome! The dictionary can help me in college. I have a good time with the dictionary. It’s fun. It helps me spell words correctly. It also helped me me on the PASS writing test. It made the test easy. This dictionary is like a friend. I will take it with... Read More
Ashy, South Carolina Dictionary Project, Wood Heights Elementary, Spartanburg, SC
Dear Dictionary Project Sponsor, thank you for donating money for our dictionaries. It was very helpful for the PASS writing. You know what? I’m using the dictionary you got for me right now! I can use it in other grades through 12th grade. It helps me find words and there definitions and it helps me not repeat words. It will increase my vocabulary, which... Read More
Katelynn, South Carolina Dictionary Project, Wood Heights Elementary, Spartanburg, SC
Dear Dictionary Project Sponsors, Thank you for sponsoring the Dictionary Project because it’s very helpful. The way I used it was for the PASS writing test. It was great to find out different ways to explain words a different way. it was nice of you just to donate money to buy dictionaries. Dictionary help people if they need to spell a word correctly, find... Read More