Robert Hays, Grants Fire and Rescue, Grants, NM

The members of the Grants Fire & Rescue (Career and Volunteer) are spearheading the “Dictionary Project” for the school year 2010-11. This year we are looking for a community-wide participation in this endeavor. This will be the eighth year for this project and will provide dictionaries to our target grade – THIRD, in the elementary schools in and around the district. Last year we provided 810 dictionaries, a 15% increase over last year and hope to do the same or better this year. We are also going to provide Spanish/English dictionaries to those classes that make a request during this program. Since Grants Fire and Rescue began a few years ago, we have provided almost 4,000 dictionaries to our area youth. These are for them to keep and use throughout their primary and secondary education. We have passed our half way point of giving enough dictionaries towards those who will eventually be seniors in high school and giving them the dictionaries may persuade them to further their education.