Thanks to our sponsors
37,147,717 children have received a dictionary to date.
710,528 dictionaries have been donated to students in the 2024-2025 school year.
Tifton Elks Lodge # 1114 donates dictionaries again this year to every third grader in Tift county.
The Optimist Club of North St. Louis County, MO, presented dictionaries to students at nine public and private schools in their community.
The Mt. Dora Kiwanis Club gives dictionaries to third graders and thesauri to fourth graders at Triangle Elementary School in Mt. Dora, FL.
Third-grade students at Tilford Elementary were given a treat Thursday morning as representatives from both Vinton and Hiawatha chapters of the Kiwanis Club donated dictionaries to each stude
After 50 years of careful research and editing, the fifth and final volume of the Dictionary of American Regional English is complete and will be published next month by Harvard University P
Bowie Elementary School third graders were eager and attentive as they learned about the dictionaries they received from Altrusa International of Abilene members Monday morning.
37,147,717 children have received a dictionary to date.
710,528 dictionaries have been donated to students in the 2024-2025 school year.