Thanks to our sponsors
37,147,645 children have received a dictionary to date.
710,456 dictionaries have been donated to students in the 2024-2025 school year.
Barbarakay Royuk has a favorite saying: `The dictionary is a student`s best friend.`
`Just in time!` was the remark of one of the Ashland-Greenwood Elementary School 3rd grade teachers in Ashland, Nebraska, when the Ashland Rotary Club arrived with personal dictionaries for all of
Our Loveland Golden K Kiwanis Club has provided third grade student dictionaries to Franklin Elementary School for the second time this year.
The Kiwanis Clubs of Mid-Michigan participated in the Lansing 150 Parade, commemorating Lansing`s 150th Anniversary.
`I hope this is very useful to you,` Ken Hines told students at Memorial Elementary School. `This isn`t a very old book, even though it has a lot of old words in it.`
The third graders at Queen of the Miraculous Medal School flipped through the pages of new dictionaries Friday.
37,147,645 children have received a dictionary to date.
710,456 dictionaries have been donated to students in the 2024-2025 school year.