Thanks to our sponsors
37,151,101 children have received a dictionary to date.
713,912 dictionaries have been donated to students in the 2024-2025 school year.
The Bolivar Rotary Club helped the Jackson Council of AT&T TelecomPioneers deliver dictionaries to all of the public school third graders of Hardeman County.
The Jackson Council of the AT&T Pioneers joined forces with the Dyersburg Civitans to provide a dictionary including a gazetteer to every student in third grade in the Dyer County School
The Rotary Club of Donelson-Hermitage has donated 3,000 dictionaries to McGavock High School, the largest high school in Tennessee.
On Thursday, January 14, every 3rd grader in the Ridgley and Tiptonville schools were presented with their very own student's dictionary.
During the week of August 16, the Hendersonville Morning Rotary Club of Hendersonville, TN, on behalf of all Rotary Clubs in Sumner County, distributed over 2,000 dictionaries to the Sumner C
This is a picture of the Rotarians and the prize winners when we gave the dictionaries to the kids at Georgia Avenue Elementary School in Memphis.
37,151,101 children have received a dictionary to date.
713,912 dictionaries have been donated to students in the 2024-2025 school year.