Thanks to our sponsors
37,149,349 children have received a dictionary to date.
712,160 dictionaries have been donated to students in the 2024-2025 school year.
Premier Literacy, a division of Premier Assistive Technology, recently partnered with The Rotary Club of Winnetka - Northfield in June 2009 to sponsor a charitable distribution of dictionarie
The Mundelein/Vernon Hills Rotary Club has distributed more than 1,000 dictionaries to local third-grade students in the Mundelein and Vernon Hills area during the months of January and Febru
CeaseFire Illinois, the Chicago Project for Violence Prevention, and its community partners have been visiting schools to deliver copies of A Student`s Dictionary & Animal Gazetteer
Each year as one of their community service projects, members of Buffalo Grange have presented dictionaries to the third grade class at Centennial School, Polo.
Wednesday will be an exciting day in Kuna for third grade classes! That's because it's the day Kuna Grange members host their annual Word for Thirds program.
37,149,349 children have received a dictionary to date.
712,160 dictionaries have been donated to students in the 2024-2025 school year.