Thanks to our sponsors
37,143,157 children have received a dictionary to date.
705,968 dictionaries have been donated to students in the 2024-2025 school year.
Since 2005, the Bayfield Lions Club has been providing dictionaries for the children at Bayfield Elementary School.
Here are some pictures of our labeling of 7,000 dictionaries in Denver on August 12. It only took 35 people 4 hours to unpack, count, label, recount, and repack books for 94 schools.
While attending the Ohio State Grange Convention in October, 2003, it was mentioned about giving dictionaries to 3rd grade students.
Cal Skate of Milpitas owner Trace St.
For the last ten years, Fremont School has had a generous donor, the Dictionary Man. This anonymous donor has given dictionaries to all the third grade students at Fremont School each year.
During the weeks of September 16 and 20, 2010, a delegation from the Kiwanis Club of Rancho Murieta presented all third grade students at the Cosumnes River Elementary; C.W.
37,143,157 children have received a dictionary to date.
705,968 dictionaries have been donated to students in the 2024-2025 school year.