Thanks to our sponsors
37,143,421 children have received a dictionary to date.
706,232 dictionaries have been donated to students in the 2024-2025 school year.
Our Lodge gave out 631 English dictionaries, one for every 3rd grade student in Jackson County, in September 2008.
On August 26, 2008, 61 students from the third grade classes of Ms.
One of Doug Drost's first announcements Tuesday as the newly-inducted president of the Fallon Rotary International service organization, was to introduce members to this year's theme, 'Make Dreams
For the fourth year Minden-Douglas Elks gave all third-grade students in Douglas County their own dictionary. This year 485 dictionaries will be distributed.
By the end of the day on October 23, each third grader at Cottonwood Elementary School received a copy of `The Best Dictionary for Students,` free of charge from the Fernley Republican Women.
WEST COUNTY NOTES: Members of Richmond Elks Lodge No. 1251 distributed dictionaries to third-grade students at Cesar Chavez, Coronado and Grant elementary schools in Richmond last week.
37,143,421 children have received a dictionary to date.
706,232 dictionaries have been donated to students in the 2024-2025 school year.