Thanks to our sponsors
37,142,605 children have received a dictionary to date.
705,416 dictionaries have been donated to students in the 2024-2025 school year.
Editor`s note: Judy Payne, of Nevada County Republican Women Federated, is excited about the group`s work on The Dictionary Project because of its reach into our future — all at very low cost
A dictionary isn't just any book. It's one you can use over and over and over. Good spellers and precise writers need dictionaries.
`This dictionary has more words than our others,` said Jacquelyn, Coyote Springs Elementary School third grader, after receiving her own copy of `A Student`s Dictionary` from members of the Bradsha
All third-grade students in Navajo and Apache counties will soon have dictionaries to call their own, according to Rotary Club representative Brenda Thomas.
The Wickenburg Elks Youth Committee Chair Carolyn McDonald and her husband PER Walter recently took 144 dictionaries and 24 thesauruses to Salome High School as a gift to the 140 students and staff
A total of 216 dictionaries were distributed during the month of October, 2010. Third graders at five elementary schools received dictionaries.
37,142,605 children have received a dictionary to date.
705,416 dictionaries have been donated to students in the 2024-2025 school year.