Thanks to our sponsors
37,142,605 children have received a dictionary to date.
705,416 dictionaries have been donated to students in the 2024-2025 school year.
Every year the Garfield Rotary Club sponsors a program called the Dictionary Project in which members of the club hand out dictionaries to all the third-grade students in their service district.
Five teams of Rotarians went to the three elementary schools in North Plainfield and the 10 elementary schools and three charter schools in Plainfield during the week of November 15 to give a dicti
Turkeys and pumpkin pie may be on many folks` minds right now.
Every year the Wallkill Valley Rotary Club sponsors a program called the Dictionary Project in which members of the club hand out dictionaries to all the third-grade students in their service distr
More than 900 third grade students in Hillsborough Township and Manville Borough received new Webster dictionaries courtesy of the Hillsborough Rotary Club.
In the auditorium at Tuscan School on Nov. 1, third-graders threw their arms high above their heads when John R. Mousseau, a member of the Maplewood Rotary Club, asked them a question.
37,142,605 children have received a dictionary to date.
705,416 dictionaries have been donated to students in the 2024-2025 school year.