Thanks to our sponsors
37,149,349 children have received a dictionary to date.
712,160 dictionaries have been donated to students in the 2024-2025 school year.
Every third grade student at Allen Village received a dictionary to use at school and at home.
During a 1:00 PM ceremony Wednesday, Lashmeet/Matoaka third-grade students received personal copies of Webster’s Dictionary, Student Edition.
On December 13 and 14, the Marysville Elks Lodge #1130 presented dictionaries to all of the third graders in the Marysville, North Union, Fairbanks, Jonathan Alder, St. Paul, St.
The group of civic-minded volunteers from south Everett takes an old-fashioned approach to its mission, by handing out paperback dictionaries to local third graders.
The Fuquay-Varina Rotary Club recently donated dictionaries to third graders at Fuquay Elementary as part of the Dictionary Project.
A hearty MAHALO to Kailua Elk members Lani Medeiros and Sharon Chee for taking the time to visit four Windward elementary schools, giving away free personal dictionaries to appreciative third grade
37,149,349 children have received a dictionary to date.
712,160 dictionaries have been donated to students in the 2024-2025 school year.