Word of the Day: Expression
/ ik’spre-shən /, noun: 1. the process of making known one’s thoughts, feelings, or emotions (on the face, in the voice, in artistic execution, etc.), “It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.”- Albert Einstein “There is something of the essence of creative expression that informs and transcends all its manifestations – and when you touch... Read More
Word of the Day: Bridge
/ brij /, noun: 1. an elevated structure, such as a viaduct or an overpass, that crosses over water or a highway, “Good composition is like a suspension bridge – each line adds strength and takes none away.” – Robert Henri 2. a card game, “If you spend you time playing bridge, you will be a good bridge player; if you spend it reading,... Read More
Word of the Day: Balance
/băl’əns/ noun: 1. steadiness; a condition in which different elements are equal in proportion, “A well-developed sense of humor is the pole that adds balance to your steps as you walk the tightrope of life.” – William Arthur Ward 2. an instrument used to weigh (objects), “An excellent man, like precious metal, is in every way invariable; A villain, like the beams of a... Read More
Word of the Day: Redeem
/rəˈdēm/, verb: 1. a. to compensate for faults or bad actions, “Redeem thy misspent time that’s past, And live this day as if thy last.” – Thomas Ken 1. b. to make better, more acceptable, “Life ceases to be so oppressive: we are free to give our own lives meaning and purpose, free to redeem our suffering by making something of it.” – Walter Kaufmann 2.... Read More
Word of the Day: Persistence
/ pərˈsistəns /, noun: the quality that allows someone to continue doing something; trying to do something even though it is difficult or opposed by other people “A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.” – Elbert Hubbard
Word of the Day: Toggle
/tóɡəl/ noun: 1. a device for fastening sewn to one side of a garment allowing passage through a hole or loop on the other side, “They make harpoons for hunting fish, pins for sewing up leather shoes, toggles for their fur-lined leather `parka’ coats.” – John Lewis, reporting on hunter-gatherer life after the Ice Age in southern Britain. 2. computing, a switch, key, or... Read More
Word of the Day: Fortuitous
/fôr’to͞oədəs/, adjective: happening by chance or accident rather than design; due to or characterized by luck. “Fortuitous circumstances constitute the moulds* that shape the majority of human lives, and the hasty impress of an accident is too often regarded as the relentless decree of all ordaining fate.” – Olympia Brown *note: mould is the British spelling of the American variation, mold. /mōld/, noun: 1.... Read More
Word of the Day: Aggregate
/ áɡriɡət / 1. noun: a whole, total, or mass formed by combining several disparate elements; “The work that I feel is most authentically mine is the one that is my first reaction, the first thing that feels like the truth. In aggregate, those choices, those series of decisions, create your point of view, your visual language.” – Andrew Zuckerman 2. adjective: formed or... Read More
Word of the Day: Experience
/ ĭk-spÎr’ē-əns /, noun: 1. an encounter that provokes reaction, “People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built.” – Eleanor Roosevelt 2. knowledge gained by observation or trial, “Yesterday is an experience. Tomorrow is hope. Today is getting from one to the other as best we can.” – John M. Henry verb: 3. to encounter... Read More
Word of the Day: Emancipation
/ ĭ-măn’sə-pā’shən /, noun: 1. freedom from legal, social or political restraint or oppression “Freedom is the emancipation from the arbitrary rule of other men.” – Mortimer J. Adler, 1902 – 2001 2. the act or condition of being freed from slavery “Until justice is blind to color, until education is unaware of race, until opportunity is unconcerned with the color of men’s skins,... Read More