Word of the Day: Saffron
saffron saf-fron / săf-rən noun 1. a plant, Crocus sativus, with purple or white flowers and orange stigmas, native to the Eastern Mediterranean region It is filled with saffron, poppies, and other soothing plants; so lay your little head on it to-night, sleep sweetly without a dream, and wake to-morrow without a pain. From “Eight Cousins” by Louisa May Alcott, 1832 – 1888 2. the dried stigmas of... Read More
Word of the Day: Contrite
contrite con-trite / kən-trīt, kŏn–trīt adjective 1. arising from a sense of guilt or regret Judge Jackie Glass said Simpson’s contrite words in court were not as powerful as his angry words, as caught on tape, during the confrontation. “O J Simpson gets at least 15 years for robbery, kidnapping”, ‘The Times of India’, December 6, 2008 2. feeling regret and sorrow; remorseful; penitent... Read More
Word of the Day: Reprehensible
reprehensible rep-re-hen-si-ble / rĕp-rĭ-hĕn-sə-bəl adjective 1. deserving of a reprimand, sharp criticism or blame What is reprehensible is that while leading good lives themselves and abhorring those of wicked men, some, fearing to offend, shut their eyes to evil deeds instead of condemning them and pointing out their malice. Saint Augustine, 354 – 430
Word of the Day: Posh
posh posh / pŏsh adjective 1. elegant, fashionable or luxurious We want everybody to have the best facilities in which to work, but we do not believe in posh and impressive private offices. Akio Morita, 1921 – 1999 2. characteristic or typical of the upper class, especially in the United Kingdom When I went to school, everyone had elocution lessons, not to sound posh but so you could... Read More
Word of the Day: Sage
sage sage / sāj adjective 1. wise or prudent A sage thing is timely silence, and better than any speech. Plutarch, 49 – 119 2. (archaic) serious; solemn In sage and silent companionship of two, they went flying, noiseless, along the quiet lanes in search of a meal. From “Man and Wife” by Wilkie Collins, 1824 – 1889 3. having a gray-green color Miss Waterford, torn... Read More
Word of the Day: Succinct
succinct suc-cinct / sək-sĭngkt, sə-sĭngkt adjective 1. concise and clear, terse, brief and to the point A tale should be judicious, clear, succinct; The language plain, and incidents well link’d; Tell not as new what ev’ry body knows; and, new or old, still hasten to a close. From “Conversation” by William Cowper, 1731 – 1800 2. (archaic) close fitting; encircled by a girdle or as... Read More
Word of the Day: Drudge
drudge drudge / drŭj noun 1. one who performs tedious, menial or unpleasant work When I was young, if a girl married poverty, she became a drudge; if she married wealth, she became a doll. Susan B. Anthony, 1820 – 1906 verb 1. to labor at a tedious, boring or unpleasant task or job The genius of our ruling class is that it has kept a... Read More
Word of the Day: Gingerly
gingerly gin-ger-ly / jĭn-jər-lē adjective 1. cautious; careful Laurie screwed up his face and obeyed with a gingerly peck at each little cheek that produced another laugh, and made the babies squeal. From “Little Women” by Louisa May Alcott, 1832- 1888 adverb 1. with great care or sensitivity; cautiously; timidly It is like ice, on which no beauty of form, no majesty of carriage, can plead any immunity;... Read More
Words of the Day: Emigrate and Immigrate
emigrate em-i-grate / ĕm-ĭ-grāt verb 1. to leave one country in order to settle in another You don’t need a passport and you don’t need no visas, you don’t need to designate or emigrate before you can see Jesus. Lyrics from song “Awaiting On You All” by George Harrison, 1943 – 2001 _________________________________________________________________________________________________ immigrate im-mi-grate / ĭm-ĭ-grāt verb 1. to enter a country of which one is not... Read More
Word of the Day: Contagious
contagious con-ta-gious / kən-tā-jəs adjective 1. of a disease, capable of being transmitted through direct or indirect contact; communicable No company is far preferable to bad, because we are more apt to catch the vices of others than their virtues, as disease is more contagious than health. Charles Caleb Colton, 1780 – 1832 2. carrying or able to spread a disease Sleeping alone seemed unnatural... Read More