Word of the Day: Appropriate

appropriate ap-pro-pri-ate /      ə-prō-prē-ĭt as an adjective      ə-prō-prē-āt as a verb adjective 1. suitable; proper Appropriate action means to advance your own goals, without unintentional harm to anyone else. Steven Brust, 1955 – verb 1. to allocate; to set aside for a specific purpose or use We will never get anywhere with our finances until we pass a law saying that every...
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Words of the Day: Tort and Torte

tort tort – tôrt noun 1. a civil wrong, independent of a contract, that causes personal injury or property damage, for which compensation may be sought through a civil suit We regard an action of Contract as an action to prevent or compensate for a breach of a promise; an action of Tort as an action to punish or compensate for a wrong, such as assault...
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Word of the Day: Adore

adore a-dore / ə-dôr Verb: 1. to love someone very much, with great devotion and respect Stop running to those who ignore you and start running to those who adore you. Joseph Simmons, 1964- 2. to like very much If you wear things you adore, you just look better.  Margherita Missoni, 1983 – 3. to worship I die adoring God, loving my friends, not hating my enemies,...
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Word of the Day: Incense

incense in-cense / ĭn-sĕns as a noun and verb 1 and 2 ĭn-sĕns as a verb 3 noun 1. a pleasant scent ; an aroma ; a nice fragrance It’s important to read a book, but also to hold the book, to smell the book… it’s perfume, it’s incense, it’s the dust of Egypt. Ray Bradbury, 1920 – 2012 2. a fragrant substance that is burned to...
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Word of the Day: Dear

dear dear / dîr adjective 1. regarded with deep affection; cherished Through the wrinkles of time, through the bowed frame of years, you will always see the dear face and feel the warm heart union of your eternal love. Alfred Armand Montapert, 1906 – 1997 2. expensive, costly Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn in no other, and scarce in that. Benjamin Franklin, 1706 –...
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Word of the Day: Mow

mow mow / mou as a noun; mō as a verb noun 1.  in a barn, the place where hay or grain is stored The stables were on either side of this floor and the mows were above. From “Sheila of Big Wreck Cove” by James A. Cooper, 1910 – 1935    2. a stack of hay or grain in a barn Our old shepherd dog had been nosing...
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Word of the Day: Tradition

tradition tra-di-tion / trə-dĭsh-ən   noun 1. the passing down of cultural customs, practices or beliefs through generations, particularly through word of mouth Tradition means handing on all that is of value to the next generation. Henry Lewis Bullen, 1857 – 1938   2. a custom, practice or belief passed within families or social groups from one generation to another All major religious traditions carry basically the...
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Word of the Day: Endeavor

endeavor en-deav-or / ĕn-dĕv-ər noun 1. a sincere attempt, generally requiring effort Success in any endeavor requires single-minded attention to detail and total concentration. Willie Sutton, 1901 – 1980 2. an undertaking directed toward a goal or purpose He that fails in his endeavors after wealth or power will not long retain either honesty or courage.  Samuel Johnson, 1709 – 1784 verb 1. to try, to make...
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Word of the Day: Outstanding

outstanding out-stand-ing / out-stăn-dĭng, out-stăn- dĭng adjective 1. extremely good; excellent; superior If you want to stand out, don’t be different, be outstanding. Meredith West, ? – 2. obvious, very noticeable What you see is that the most outstanding feature of life’s history is a constant domination by bacteria.  Stephen Jay Gould, 1941 – 2002 3. still in existence; not paid, settled, satisfied or resolved Purchases bought by...
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Words of the Day: Succor and Sucker

succor suc-cor / sŭk-ər noun 1. aid, assistance, relief You find in friendship the surety of good counsel, the emulation of good example, sympathy in our griefs, succor in our distress.  Anne-Therese de Marguenat de Courcelles, 1647 – 1733 2. someone or something that provides help, assistance or relief There is beauty in art, in literature, in science, and in every triumph of intelligence, all of which...
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