Word of the Day: Ignominy
ignominy ig·no·min·y / ĭg-nə-mĭn-ē, ĭg-nə-mə-nē noun 1. personal disgrace; loss of respect; great humiliation Whatever ignominy or disgrace we have incurred, it is almost always in our power to reestablish our reputation. Francois de La Rochefoucauld, 1613 – 1680 2. the cause of disgrace and humiliation They who load us with insults and ignominies give us the means of acquiring treasures more precious than any that man can... Read More
Word of the Day: Cognition
cognition cog-ni-tion / kŏg-nĭsh-ən noun: 1. the mental process of perceiving, learning and reasoning Cognition requires going beyond the information given, to make bets and therefore to risk errors. Gerd Gigerenzer, 1947 – 2. knowledge, acquired through, or based on, personal view or experience Forgetting your mistakes is a terrible error if you are trying to improve your cognition. Charlie Munger, 1924 – etymology From the Latin noun... Read More
Word of the Day: Humility
humility hu-mil-i-ty / hyo͞o-mĭl-ĭ-tē noun 1. a modest view of one’s own importance Too much humility is pride. German Proverb 2. meekness, modesty; the quality of being humble Austerity is an ornament, humility is honorable. Indian Proverb
Word of the Day: Quiescent
quiescent qui-es-cent / kwē-ĕs-ənt, kwī- ĕs-ənt adjective 1. inactive, still, quiet Water becomes clear and transparent when in a quiescent stage. Zhuangzi, 369 BC – 286 BC 2. characterized by absence of turmoil or upheaval, tranquil A hungry animal is restless until it finds food; then it becomes quiescent. From ‘The Analysis of Mind’ by Bertrand Russell, 1872 – 1970 3. astronomy, having no sunspot activity... Read More
Words of the Day: Ant and Aunt (Homonyms!)
ant ant / ănt noun a small insect in the Formicidae family that lives in colonies, known for its social order and industry The ants find kingdoms in a foot of ground. William Rose Benet 1886-1950 aunt aunt / ănt, änt noun the sister of one of your parents or the wife of the brother of one’s parent He whose mother is naked is not likely... Read More
Word of the Day: Fatherhood
fatherhood fa-ther-hood / fä-thər-ho͝od noun 1. the state of being a male parent; the state of being a father Fatherhood has taught me about unconditional love, reinforced the importance of giving back and taught me how to be a better person. Naveen Jain, 1959 – 2. fathers as a group The mission of Illinois Fatherhood Initiative is connecting children and fathers by actively engaging fathers in... Read More
Word of the Day: Contrary
contrary con-trar-y / kŏn–trĕr-ē adjective 1. against, opposed to Extreme positions are not succeeded by moderate ones, but by contrary extreme positions. Friedrich Nietzsche, 1844-1900 2. purposefully disagreeable When we see persons of worth, we should think of equaling them; when we see persons of a contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves. Confucius, 551-479 BC 3. unfavorable, bad When we long for life without... Read More
Word of the Day: Heat
heat heat / hēt noun 1. a form of energy, derived from the motion of atoms or molecules, that can be transmitted through solid and liquid substances The same heat that melts wax, bakes clay. French Proverb 2. the feeling of warmth or of something hot The moon gives us light but no heat. Russian Proverb 3. the measure of warmth or hotness Most of the time, I grill... Read More
Word of the Day: Euphemism
euphemism eu-phe-mism / yo͞o-fə-mĭz-əm noun 1. an inoffensive term used in place of one that is considered offensive or distressful Frankness is usually a euphemism for rudeness. Muriel Spark, 1918 – 2006 2. the use of an inoffensive phrase or word in place of one that is offensive or distressful Euphemism is common in hospital and medical facilities where bodily functions need to be discussed. Diane... Read More
Word of the Day: Party
party par-ty / ˈpär-tē, plural par-ties / ˈpär-tēz noun 1. a gathering of people marked by socializing, refreshments, etc. At a dinner party one should eat wisely but not too well, and talk well but not too wisely. W. Somerset Maugham, 1874 – 1965 2. a person or people on one side of an argument, dispute, etc. After a trial one party is naked and the... Read More