Word of the Day: Empower
empower em-pow-er / ĕm-pou-ər verb 1. to grant the power or authority to; to authorize Fear does not have any special power unless you empower it by submitting to it. Les Brown, 1945 – 2. to enable; to provide with an ability Words empower us, move us beyond our suffering, and set us free. From “An Unspoken Hunger” by Terry Tempest Williams, 1955 –
Word of the Day: Coup
coup coup / ko͞o noun 1. a very successful, well played action or idea If there’s 10,000 people looking at the stocks and trying to pick winners, one in 10,000 is going to score, by chance alone, a great coup, and that’s all that’s going on. Merton Miller, 1923 – 2000 2. a successful, sudden attack to seize power, often done illegally or by force; a coup d’état... Read More
Word of the Day: Income
income in-come / ĭn–kŭm noun 1. revenue; the money or equivalent received in exchange for providing services, goods, property or through other investments over a period of time Good management is better than good income. Portuguese Proverb 2. the act of coming in; an influx The available stored water in the soil was (120 mm), and according to the income of water to the basin which reached... Read More
Word of the Day: Inure
inure (also enure) In-ure / ĭn-yo͝or verb 1. to accustom or harden by frequent or prolonged exposure A man should inure himself to voluntary labor, and not give up to indulgence and pleasure, as they beget no good constitution of body nor knowledge of mind. Socrates, c. 470 BC – 399 BC
Word of the Day: Hunch
hunch hunch / hŭnch noun 1. an intuitive feeling Trust your hunches… Hunches are usually based on facts filed away just below the conscious level. Joyce Brothers, 1927 – 2013 2. a hump The larva is a maggot curved like a hook, carrying on its back an ample pouch or hunch, forming part of its alimentary canal. From “Social Life in the Insect World”... Read More
Word of the Day: Financially
financially fi-nan-cial-ly / fə-năn-shə-lē, fī-năn-shə-lē adverb 1. in a way that pertains to money or finance The bottom line about success in life isn’t whether you are financially successful, but whether you have given yourself in some way to help others less fortunate than you and to serve your community and your country. P. Anthony Ridder, 1940 –
Word of the Day: Perpetually
perpetually per-pet-u-al-ly / pər-pĕch-o͞o-ə-lē adverb 1. forever; eternally There is an abstruse astrologer that saith, If it were not for two things that are constant (the one is, that the fixed stars ever stand a like distance one from another, and never come nearer together, nor go further asunder; the other, that the diurnal motion perpetually keepeth time), no individual would last one moment. Sir Francis Bacon,... Read More
Word of the Day: Glut
glut glut / glŭt noun 1. an excessively abundant supply of something We have more information – a glut of information – than ever before, and perhaps less knowledge. Errol Morris, 1948 – 2. the act of or state of filling to excess or oversupplying Economists may not know how to run the economy, but they know how to create shortages or gluts simply by regulating prices... Read More
Word of the Day: Mirth
mirth mirth / mûrth noun 1. merriment, laughter, glee Mirth is like a flash of lightning, that breaks through a gloom of clouds, and glitters for a moment; cheerfulness keeps up a kind of daylight in the mind, and fills it with a steady and perpetual serenity. Joseph Addison, 1672 – 1719
Word of the Day: Equinoctial
equinoctial e-qui-noc-tial / ē-kwə-nŏk-shəl, ĕk-wə-nŏk-shəl adjective 1. pertaining to or occurring on or near the equinox, one of two days a year when the day and night are of equal length The equinoctial gale blew violently, and scattered the yellow leaves of Liberty Tree all along the street. From “Grandfather’s Chair” by Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1804 – 1864 2. pertaining to the celestial equator, the circle of the... Read More